Inner Dwellings - Sara Hardin

opening January 13, 6 - 10 pm

on view January 13 - February 3, 2024

My oil paintings delve into the enigmatic and ever-shifting depths of my internal landscape, a quest to unravel the intricate relationship between the conscious and the unconscious within my own mind. I intertwine imagery of architectural structures with fragmented domestic spaces, often overgrown with foliage. This intentional interplay between the rigid elements of a structured world and the exuberant growth of nature reflects the ongoing dialogue within my mind—a delicate dance between the desire for control and organized thought and the unrestrained exploration of dreams and memory in my subconscious. This concept began as I started therapy, utilizing EMDR, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. The act of tapping into the unconscious mind, the forgotten moments to better understand my reactions, emotions, and ultimately myself. In the creative process, I immerse myself in the intimacy of familiar spaces, meticulously exploring the nuances of my own and others' homes as a keen observer. Through photography, I document these moments and employ collage techniques to construct my layered compositions, mirroring the complexity of the human mind's landscape. Through my art, I aspire to spark a dialogue about the intricacies of the human experience, illuminating the profound unity that emerges when the conscious and the unconscious converge. My work serves as a visual testament to the extraordinary harmony found in embracing the mysterious and fertile realm of the unconscious while acknowledging the foundational forces of reason and consciousness that shape our lives. I hope that my creations inspire viewers to embark on their own introspective journeys, navigating the enigmatic landscapes within themselves.


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